- Cooperation with youth club UNO, workshop supervision.
- Cooperation with Fusion Intercultural Projects Berlin e.V., “Manege” art workshop supervision, parade float award (ranked 1st) at the “Carnival of Cultures”.
- Sculpture production for the entrance area of Germany's first “youth street”, Rütlistraße, Berlin-Neukölln.
- Entrance plaque, “Thomas Morus Schule”, Berlin.
- Facade creation, community centre “Kiek In”, Berlin-Marzahn.
- Barbecue facility construction with youth, youth recreation centre “Eastend” Berlin-Hellersdorf.
- Sculpture project with residents and youth, “Förderverein 1. Kinderkeller Marzahn e.V.”
- Set construction in cooperation with “Mammut”, ARD / Arte film production “Im Angesicht des Verbrechens”.
- Barbecue facility construction with youth, community centre “Kompass”, Berlin-Hellersdorf.
- Concrete animal sculptures, A12 motorway station, Lebbiner Heide and Briesenluch.
- Advertising column construction with youth, “Helle Info” Alice-Salomon-Platz, neighbourhood management and “Alice-Salomon-Hochschule”.